
And Here Comes the Clichéd New Year Resolution

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So, what I aim to do in 2010?

First thing, I need to get real serious on my studies. It’s uni, and it’s darn expensive. I don’t wanna waste my dad’s money eh. Besides, medicine course will be tough. Gonna get a little nerdy soon.

Second- be more independent. 5 years on my own, man. Gonna learn to cook, and do household chores. There are some lessons waiting for me.

Thirdly, I must continue to read. Read, read, and read. Well, internet isn’t gonna be free when I get there (which is a blessing!), thus I’ll online less and read more. Dammit, I gonna pay back the 10 months of readlessness.

A value I need to learn there is to be frugal. I’ve been wasteful all the while (example, how when I bought my cheapo flash diffuser I paid higher price, etc.) and things at Tasmania are expensive. Well, maybe not the milk and dairy products.

Fifthly I need to improve my social skills. I feel that I’m not particularly sociable and don’t have the initiative to do things. I gonna talk more and be more active in societies then. And I should learn to take responsibilities.

Last but not least I must improve my photography skills. I shouldn’t just shoot blindly, but think slowly and thoroughly, explore different angles and perspectives before clicking the shutter button. I really need to buck up on that. Be creative.

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