
I'm the Sololist Today

Clockwise from top right corner: Brave New World, Utopia, Animal Farm, and Cosmos.

I'm the sololist for the concert today. The piano was played by the sound of pass-byers' footsteps, strings accompanied, represented by the lively atmosphere.

Ignore me, the first paragraph is pure bullshit, except the first sentence. Keenen FFK-ed me with an excuse of "gay" (happy!). So, I went myself to KLCC Kinokuniya.

Hell, I searched for Aldous Huxley's Brave New World for hours but still couldn't find it. Perhaps I'm blind. The book was just right there- so obviously- and I just couldn't spot it. At last, I asked help from the assistant and he found the book for me in no time.

Other than Brave New World, I've bought Thomas More's Utopia (too bad no Penguin edition), George Orwell's Animal Farm, and Carl Sagan's Cosmos. Initially I wanted to buy George Orwell's famous novel Nineteen Eighty Four, but was forced to abandon that thought due to lack of money.

So, great. Four more books to read.

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