
The Founder and Head of ISA

He, the boldest, invincible in all form, regardless strict disciplinary actions, is the founder and head of the ISA.

ISA, in it's meaning, Independent Student Actions, or commonly known as Ikut Suka Aku (Follow My Way), means actions that are taken by a student in regard of independence and fearlessness.

Jonathan Wong, the founder of ISA, is currently 'independing' in the class 5S4. Although strict authorities(teachers) were implemented into the class, but still the independence of Jonathan made them incapable.

Common observance of the independence by Jonathan are reading his own book in fulfilling his desire on knowledge. A notable sight of him is his along with his book. It may range form A-Level Physics to The Human Genome Project or even Penthouse.

The most significant action of independence by him is phantom-ly wandering in school (without permission, of course). Despite his frequent walks around the school, disciplinary authorities never spotted and take action on him, as he's equally famous as Einstein for his equation, ISA = Physics A-Level, The Human Genome Project, A Brief History of Time, The God Delusion, Penthouse... etc.

Kudos to him.

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